Bone Health

Gentle Exercises to Add To Your Osteoporosis Exercise Plan

Osteoporosis is a major cause of pain and disability in older adults. It is a bone-weakening disorder, which often results in fractures in the hip and spine. These fractures can impair or completely disrupt mobility, causing older adults to lose their independence. Some people with osteoporosis have difficulty performing certain exercises.

Osteoporosis is a major cause of pain and disability in older adults. It is a bone-weakening disorder, which often results in fractures in the hip and spine. These fractures can impair or completely disrupt mobility, causing older adults to lose their independence. Some people with osteoporosis have difficulty performing certain exercises. Which is why it is important to investigate effective osteoporosis treatment programs you can implement.

Bone responds to regular exercise by becoming stronger. Typically bone mass is at its highest during a person’s third decade. After the third decade of life, people can begin to lose bone density. OsteoStrong specializes in helping those who suffer from osteoporosis through a customized and effective osteoporosis exercise plan. There are many benefits to our OsteoStrong program beyond what we do in the center. Here at OsteoStrong we can help you feel stronger when doing daily activities you used to enjoy again.

Below are some gentle exercises we recommend adding into your home routine.

Walking : ​​A good walk is a great tool to fight against osteoporosis! Walking is a low-impact exercise that improves bone mineral density. A regular walking routine will allow you to become stronger and will have the positive impacts of allowing you to enjoy other activities you once loved but might have been sidelined due to osteoporosis.

Stability and Balance Exercises : Accidental falls are a major cause of fractures in people diagnosed with osteoporosis. Stability and balance exercises are highly recommended to help prevent these accidental falls. When you’re starting it is best to hold onto a chair or countertop while working on your balance to prevent falls.

Flexibility Exercises : Improving your flexibility helps maintain good balance and posture. Gentle low-impact stretching such as yoga and Tai Chi are wonderful ways to improve flexibility in those with osteoporosis. Avoid movements that require a lot of forward folding or bending, as those may increase your risk of a fall.

Resistance Band Exercises : Generating a safe amount of resistance while training with osteoporosis can bring about impressive results. Resistance bands do result in strengthening similar to that of weight training. Next time you’re in the Mercer Island OsteoStrong center try the X3 Bar, resistance band based barbell training. The same person who designed the OsteoStrong machines designed these. If you like them, you can take some home to add to your home workout route.

If you are local to the Seattle, WA area, our OsteoStrong center here on Mercer Island can help evaluate and customize a fitness program tailored to your needs. In as little as 10 minutes per week with one of our coaches, you will be on your way to improving your osteoporosis symptoms through the strengthening of your bone density and muscles. 

Claim your free session with us today!