Bone Health Wellness

Which Osteoporosis Exercise Program Is Right For You?

Here are three of the best osteoporosis exercise programs to build strength, increase mobility, and feel your best…

Osteoporosis is a common condition that affects the porosity of a person’s bones. According to the National Osteoporosis Foundation, roughly 54 million Americans have osteoporosis or report low bone mass. While it may sound intimidating, a diagnosis of osteoporosis can be improved with proper treatment, primarily in the form of exercise programs. 

Because osteoporosis leads to fragile, more brittle bones, you need to be fully aware of what movements and activities are safe and which ones are not. With an exercise program built on increasing strength and balance, you’ll be well on your way to feeling your best and preventing further bone loss caused by osteoporosis. 

Here are three of the best osteoporosis exercise programs to build strength, increase mobility, and feel your best:

Cardio and Body Weight Programs 

Not all cardio workouts are osteoporosis-friendly, especially those that are high-impact, such as running or jogging. Instead, opt for low-impact cardio exercises like walking, elliptical training, and dancing. These activities are also beneficial because they don’t require additional weights in order to be effective; Your body weight is sufficient. 

Weight Bearing and Resistance Programs

Gentle and controlled weight-bearing and resistance programs are other excellent options for strengthening your bones with osteoporosis. Weight training, in particular, comes with numerous benefits when done consistently and correctly. A few of the most remarkable benefits include managing chronic pain, improved mobility, increased bone density, and mental clarity. 

Yoga & Pilates Programs

Practicing yoga is an effective means of increasing bone density and flexibility. By improving flexibility, you will also increase your balance capabilities, helping prevent any falls and injuries. Similarly, pilates can also increase strength, muscle mass, bone mass, and mobility. However, keep in mind that not all yoga and pilates exercise programs are safe for those with osteoporosis, so be sure to check with a professional before starting a new routine. 

So which exercise is right for you?

Each type of exercise has its own benefits and advantages for treating osteoporosis, but identifying the right one for you depends on your age and health conditions. Ideally, applying parts of each program is a beneficial routine option for most people. The goal is to find the right mix that suits your lifestyle, age, and health conditions; Something that our team at OsteoStrong in Mercer Island, Washington, can help you to identify. 

Claim your free session with us today! 

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